Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Gibson's Apology Seems Sincere To Me

Mel Gibson's apology seems, to me, to be thorough and sincere. The out and out Mel-bashing that has gone on in the last couple days is borderline ridiculous.

One thing that really bothers me is the implied history of hate. Countless stories have linked these remarks with the assumed anti-Semitic message in Gibson's film, The Passion of the Christ. That film was fairly accurate when compared with the synoptic gospels. Although some Catholic tradition was apparent, all in all, it was what it should have been. A brutally honest and violent telling of a brutal story.

Before The Passion was released several friends and I did a study of the life of Christ to prepare us for the viewing. Being "educated" viewers, we didn't walk out feeling any hatred toward the Jews. The Jews were no more responsible than I am today for Christ's death. But I digress. The point is that film remained true to the story of the Gospels. If Gibson had anti-Semitic feelings he didn't appear to have them amplified in the production of The Passion.

Barbara Walters, while pleading to remain relevant in modern society, said she'd never watch another Gibson film again. That's her right, but doesn't it seem just a bit hypocritical to these people to answer hate with hate?

I'm going to take the unpopular stance of siding with Mel Gibson. Not with his anti-Semitic remarks, but with Mel Gibson the person. I think he got caught in a drunken diatribe. I think he's not the first and won't be the last. But if he's willing to go lengths in his right mind to repair damage he's done while not in his right mind, I think that should still mean something.

I'll still watch his movies. I'll still root for Mel Gibson the person. To do anything else would be ridiculous.


BRATCH said...

Here's a new angle, I don't really care. Why is his drunken tirade an issue? Why is any celebrity's opinion, drunk or sober, news?

I understand that Jews were a bit upset about Passion of the Christ, however, this was a historical recreation of Christ's death. This was also in a time where pretty much everyone was Jewish at least in what was the known world.

Were the Jews responsible? No. The world was, but many Jews witnessed Christ's death. I actually think that the only reason the issue was brought up was for political correctness, plain and simple.

That being said, the day Mel Gibson's view, or any celebrity's view, on anything changes my mood, I'm going into therapy.

Travis said...

I can agree with 95% of that. Except that most of the known world wasn't Jewish then. Most of the world was Gentile by the time of Christ's life on earth.

But I'm just picking nits.

Piccu said...

I think his apology is sincere, but if I were Jewish, it would still be hard to accept it. Over time and with some good works, I believe he will perhaps be able to get out from under this.

I just can't understand why that subject would even be on his mind when he was pulled over. I just don't see what the Jews have to do with him getting drunk and then driving. He may not be a bigot, but it sounds like he may have some underlying issues that he needs to take care of.

But what would you expect if your father has gone on record as saying that the holocaust really wasn't that big a deal and was blown out of proportion. I am sure that when you are raised by an anti-Semite, then that can rub off on you.