Thursday, December 22, 2005

A Piece of Holiday Cheer from the Old Days

My wife and I were in the living room last night doing something or other and there was a knock at the door. Well, actually there were two separate knocks a few minutes apart. The first was the UPS man who now visits our house nine times a week since french_toast's job requires things constantly being shipped. This guy will knock and run as fast as possible back to the truck to avoid human contact; I digress. Anyway, the second knock came soon after. I thought maybe it was the UPS guy again; however, I was pleasantly surprised. Instead of finding some guy in matching brown pants and jacket, there was a group of about twenty or so people ranging 6 months old to seventy-five years old. THEY WERE CAROLLING!! I have never had the privledge of hearing people carolling and only once in my life have I had the chance to do it. We caught there rendition of Silent Night, which as anyone knows the African American Church music is a little cranked up. We proceeded to watch from the window as the group made their way around the could-de-sac. Despite not being able to carry a tune, I remember the one youth group carolling trip very well. I wish we could have done that more, but just listening to those carols last night got me in the mood for Christmas.


BRATCH said...

What the local Home Owner's Association didn't tell you is that you pretty much paid for the carollers. Is that how you spell that?

Anyway, here in the OC it's tough to walk around and sing Christmas carols unless you go into town. When we went that one time we wanted to stay in our little area so that meant scaring the daylights out of people when 4 cars rolled up in their driveway.

By the way, what are you doing up at 4:55 in the A.M. blogging? Or did you pre-time your post to make it look like you were up that early.

Piccu said...

Carollers, Smarollers, our family used to get visits from a travelling drunken Santa every Christmas Eve for about 7 or 8 years. He would come by our Grandmother's house and stumble in and deliver some "spirited" good cheer. No one ever really knew for sure the identity of the mystery Santa or why he stopped visiting. It was quite a tradition.

Lady Bird said...

No pooo paaaaing the caroling! To many, it probably is one of those things that brings the holidays alive, just as I am SURE Christmas at your Grandmother's did for you Piccu! I think it sounds like an awsome way to become a part of the Christmas spirit, whether you are the giver or the reciever of this inspirational gift! Good for you Merlin--wish I could have been there! Lady Bird

my_merlin77 said...

Yeah, sorry that you are making excuses to not go Christmas carolling. Surely it didn't take away that much time from counting the loot from prechristmas or second birthsay,
I haven't seen the time on here, but I posted that this morning at nine or ten my time.

AM said...

Oh lucky you!!! I haven't listened to any carollers for the last 6 years!!! GET ME OUT OF THE UAE!!!
- heh for those who do not know what UAE is, oh well check it out yourselves haha ;)