Monday, January 02, 2006

Satan Worshippers Get a New Look

Apparently, there is a brand of jeans called Cheap Monday in Sweden. The label and the company may be selling satanic propaganda. One thing is for sure though: the label is anti-christian. Now, whether they are actually antichristian or just trying to get their name attached to controversy to boost sell, I don't know.

I have recently read in the Columbia, SC paper (The State) that a fair bit of controversy is arising in the Chrisitan community as the jeans are starting to hit the states. Not surprisingly, the range of opinion is broad. I wish it were simple enough that Christians just wouldn't buy things that are either anti-christian, non-christian like, or just morally questionable. Unfortunately, we are inundated with these things through our media daily. At the very least I won't be buying these jeans.


BRATCH said...

These jeans are also being made in a place where you have to actually kill people to be a part of a death metal band. They take their anti-Christian efforts to another level over there.

All this boils down to is that this company knew this would cause a controversy and that controversy would equal money from the "oppressed" teenagers who would buy the jeans as a form of rebellion.

AM said...

dude, i changed my blog to
cheers, am_pm