Thursday, July 07, 2005

Inside the mind of a monster...

It's interesting how technology is coming into play with high profile crimes. First with the BTK killer and now with Joseph Duncan.

I just pulled up and the headline that catches my eye is "Suspected kidnapper in Idaho kept blog".

In fact, the blog is hosted by which means that it may or may not be kept live. Is it good publicity for blogger or bad? That's not for me to judge, but Merlin, I'll bet you'll find it very interesting reading. According to the article it seems like you can see the change in his mental status.

The blog is called "The Fifth Nail blog". The fifth nail is a reference a nail that was created to end Christ's suffering on the cross.

On Wednesday May 11, 2005, the title of his post was "The demons have taken over". He only posted once more just two days before he took the children and killed their family. Actually the titles give you a pretty good idea of what was happening to him.

First was "The Boogeyman will get ya". He refers to the demons as "the boogeyman".

Next was "Wrestling with Demons" followed by "The demons have taken over".

The final was "Still confused" where he talks about turning himself in after being charged with child molestation before he kidnapped the little boy and girl.

He says in the final post that he has an encrypted journal that is "even more frank" than the blog. I would say that lawyers are working on decrypting it as we speak as if 16 months of this stuff on the blog isn't enough.

People have flooded the site and posted comments all over. Some posts have as many as 250.

For those of you who didn't know, the BTK killings were pretty much solved because people who were fascinated with the serial killings started an online forum. They would discuss their theories and review the evidence that was known.

It turns out that BTK was actually monitoring the site as well and he even posted his theories about how the murders might have gone down. Unfortunately for him, he was trying to show how smart he was and gave a little too much away in some of his posts. And since the police were also monitoring the forum to see if he would show up, a phone call was placed to hunt down suspicious posters' IP addresses. BTK's computer was sniffed out and he was caught.

If you feel like reading the oddly coherent ramblings of a madman the address is

1 comment:

my_merlin77 said...

This is one of the most frightening things I have ever seen.